WORK LIFE BALANCE - Part 2 – Blog Post #272 by Asrar Qureshi
Dear Colleagues! This is Pharma Veterans Blog Post #272. Pharma Veterans shares the wealth of knowledge and wisdom of Veterans for the benefit of Pharma Community. Pharma Veterans Blog is published by Asrar Qureshi on WordPress, the top blog site. If you wish to share your stories, ideas and thoughts, please email to for publishing your contributions here.
Continued from Previous……
Let us look at the reasons which may cause Work Life
at Work: We are a patriarchal society. Men are
supreme and have to be in commanding position. We have a work life and a home
life, and we prefer to keep the two separated so much that the person at work
is quite different from the person at home. Some men who command at work have no
say at home; and some men who are tyrants at home have no say at work. Men are
actually confused about the work life balance. They spend more time at work
under the pretext that they are working hard to provide for the family, and they
should be recognized for that. They deliberately stay away from home for
extended periods even when they are not working. They insist on having a work
life totally separated from home. On the other extreme, there are those who pretend
to be so family oriented that they would take a day off for minor reasons. They
let the work suffer and claim that the family is supreme. These are conceptual
confusions leading to work life balance issues.
2. Women at Work: It has been proved beyond doubt
that the presence of women at senior positions adds value to work and reduces
incidence of wrongdoings. However, women were and still are at serious disadvantage
at work. And this is so all over the world. Women are paid less for the same
jobs; they are passed over for promotions; they have an extremely poor
representation at the senior positions, particularly C-suite. There is discussion
and planning to increase women’s share in the senior positions, but the targets
have been missed by a wide margin. McKinsey is probably following this cause
most seriously and keeps pointing out the achievements and failures. In Pakistan,
we have other social issues as well. Women have to seek permission from family to
work; they can do some jobs but not others; they have to look after home
matters even when they have an equally demanding job as their men. They have to
refuse promotions if it entails more time at work or traveling or relocation. For
women, work life balance is mostly beyond their rights.
3. Personal Disorganization: Personal organization is a trait mostly
learned during early years at home and school. Learning deficit at that time
shall haunt for the rest of the life. In other cases, children taught to organize
become disorganized as a matter of rebellion as adults. Personal disorganization
reflects in jumbled priorities, failure to deliver on deadlines, and lack of
quality work. Personal disorganization, if not inherent, may also be forced by poor
work design, overbearing managers who keep their subordinates on toes but
confuse them by contradictory instructions.
4. Performance Pressure: Everyone wants to succeed; get fast
promotions; have fat increments; and achieve higher recognition. Performance Anxiety
is an established fact and is necessary to perform better. However, when it
goes over the threshold, performance anxiety negatively affects performance. This
phenomenon has always been around, but it keeps varying with economic conditions.
In Pakistan, the economic performance varies widely despite claims of great achievements
by successive governments. In fact, the more the economic performance deteriorates,
the political rhetoric increases. Performance pressure on employees increases
with unfavorable economic conditions; they have to worry more about sticking to
the job, because survival may not depend upon performance alone. It is easy to
understand that work life balance in such situations will only be seen as a luxury
and will not be pursued.
5. Peer Pressure: Every organization has a certain culture
even when it is not defined clearly. One integral part of culture is ‘the way
the things are done around here’. If the culture is of sitting late because the
boss (mostly the business owner) comes to office late and likes to sit late, everyone
is forced to sit late. If some of the peers always or mostly sit late, others
are under pressure to do so. Peer pressure works in several mysterious ways on
everyone. From the dress style, to mannerism, to socializing, to work ethics,
to needing approval, to keeping the bosses happy, to sacrificing personal values,
to remaining unfulfilled, peer pressure has much to contribute. Work life balance
is likely to be seriously affected in these situations.
6. Personal Orientation: We carry different orientations about
work and life. From being utterly careless about work to being overly cautious,
the spectrum is quite wide. Same is true about life. From being jolly and happy
to being serious and concerned, is another wide spectrum. Our personal orientation
is mostly a constant factor; it does not vary much with external factors. Our orientation
about work life balance shall determine how we manage it and how we sustain it.
7. Personal Goals: These are usually set by those who
display seriousness about what they would like to achieve. Our goals are mostly
driven more towards career; less towards life. Since we normally do not have balance
in goals, we are bound to tilt toward one side. Work life balance is not likely
to be maintained in this case. The most pertinent example is that of
immigrants. They deliberately do not care about work life balance because they
have to survive first and thrive later. They have specific goals to achieve and
they will do anything to achieve those goals. Immigrants anywhere work much harder
and, in many cases, cheaper also. One would also sacrifice work life balance for
some time in order to achieve a bigger goal. In such cases, discussion of work
life balance is wrongly placed.
8. Point in Career Trajectory: Work life balance changes with where
we are in the course of our career. At the entry position, we are eager to
learn; we are alone and do not mind working extra. As we move further, we start
looking forward to progressing in career and put our best foot forward. This is
the most happening time of our life. We may get married, may have kids, may
have other responsibilities such as old parents. The demands on our time are
many and we feel pressurized from all sides for time. This is the time where
work life balance is most important. By the time we reach the last part of
career, we have usually become free from responsibilities; we have done Umrah
and Hajj; we have attained a senior position; and life has become comfortable.
Work life balance is not relevant anymore; we are peaceful already.
In the next
post, we shall continue to look at factors causing loss of work life balance.
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