Expect Anything Worthwhile to Take a Long Time – Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #1021
Expect Anything Worthwhile to Take a Long Time – Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #1021
Dear Colleagues! This is Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #1021 for Pharma Veterans. Pharma Veterans Blogs are published by Asrar Qureshi on its dedicated site https://pharmaveterans.com. Please email to aq.pharmaveterans@gmail.com for publishing our contributions here.
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Credit: Mikhail Nilov |
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Credit: Polina Kovaleva |
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Credit: Thirdman |
This is a quote from Debbi Millman, “Expect anything worthwhile to take a long time”. It is a powerful reminder of the patience and persistence needed for meaningful accomplishments. In our culture of immediacy, where instant gratification often feels like a baseline expectation, this idea can be challenging to embrace. However, it underscores a crucial truth about depth, growth, and the nature of truly valuable achievements.
What is "Worthwhile"?
A worthwhile pursuit or outcome is one that holds enduring significance and personal or societal value. Worthwhile achievements typically demand skill, knowledge, and mastery. They require us to grow, develop new abilities, and accumulate knowledge over time.
Whether personal or professional, worthwhile accomplishments resonate beyond the moment, affecting others or creating legacy.
These pursuits connect with our deeply held values and goals, offering a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Worthwhile pursuits challenge us, forcing us to grow, adapt, and sometimes struggle as we push our limits.
Examples of worthwhile endeavors could include building a meaningful career, cultivating a strong and lasting relationship, writing a book, creating a groundbreaking product, or making a significant impact in one’s community.
Worthwhile Achievements Take Time
Mastery in any domain, whether personal or professional, takes time. Studies in psychology have shown that expertise in a field often requires 10,000 hours of dedicated practice. Depth requires sustained focus, learning, and refinement over time, and shortcuts rarely lead to genuine mastery. The concept of ten thousand hours has been repeated by several authors and is now generally accepted. Truly valuable skills and knowledge can’t be absorbed overnight. A worthwhile goal often demands layered skills that build on each other, along with lived experiences that add depth and understanding. This cumulative learning process is complex, involving trial, error, and refinement, all of which contribute to the slow but steady accumulation of genuine expertise.
Worthwhile pursuits often involve setbacks, and these challenges build resilience. The time taken allows us to encounter, process, and overcome obstacles, cultivating the mental strength and adaptability needed for sustained success. Each hurdle tests commitment, requiring patience, persistence, and sometimes a recalibration of approach. Lasting achievements demand a long-term vision and patience to see beyond short-term gains. For example, building a business that truly thrives, serving customers and creating value in a sustainable way, requires years of commitment, not only to growth but to maintaining quality, relationships, and reputation.
Many worthwhile pursuits require relationships and networks that take years to cultivate. Trust, credibility, and meaningful connections aren’t established instantly; they require consistent, positive interactions over time. Whether in building a client base, forming mentorships, or creating collaborative networks, these relationships add depth and support to the journey. Worthwhile pursuits often transform us in profound ways. They shape our character, expand our perspectives, and help us develop qualities like patience, empathy, resilience, and wisdom. This process of becoming—of evolving to meet our goals—is gradual and irreplaceable, and it requires time and experience.
Our Present Culture of Immediacy
In our present culture of immediacy, instant gratification has become the norm, largely because technology and convenience-driven innovation have simplified many daily tasks and shortened the feedback loops for certain types of goals. However, this culture can undermine our ability to engage in deeper, more meaningful pursuits that require time and effort. Here’s why it falls short:
Quick results often come at the expense of depth. Rushing through a goal or taking shortcuts might yield immediate results, but they are rarely substantial or lasting. Instant gratification can create a cycle of fleeting satisfaction, where achievements are soon forgotten, and we’re left constantly seeking the next quick reward.
Immediate gratification diminishes our capacity for patience and perseverance—qualities essential for tackling long-term goals and handling the inevitable challenges that come with them.
Embracing the Long Journey
The latest book from Dorie Clark, founder of Recognized Expert® program, of which I am also a member, is titled ‘The Long Game’. The theme of this book is the same that we must pursue long term goals in this short-term world.
Adopting a mindset that values the process rather than the result can transform our approach to worthwhile goals.
First, we must accept that worthwhile goals take time and set expectations accordingly. This doesn’t mean lowering standards but rather preparing for a gradual journey and focusing on steady progress.
Second, we must establish and acknowledge the milestones along the way. Celebrating progress, however small, keeps motivation high and reminds us that we’re moving closer to the final goal.
Third, by valuing the learning, relationships, and skills gained along the journey, we see the worth in the experience itself, not just the destination.
Fourth, expecting setbacks and viewing them as learning experiences helps maintain motivation and momentum. Worthwhile goals are not just about the achievement—they’re about the growth, strength, and resilience we develop along the way.
Sum Up
While our current culture favors speed, it’s essential to remember that meaningful achievements require time, patience, and sustained effort. Pursuing what’s worthwhile involves a process of learning, growth, and personal development, elements that can’t be rushed without compromising depth. The journey to a worthwhile goal is a journey of transformation, one that shapes us, brings us closer to our values, and ultimately delivers lasting fulfillment. Embracing this journey allows us to build lives and careers marked by genuine, lasting accomplishment.
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For most blogs, I research from several sources which are open to public. Their links are mentioned under references. There is no intent to infringe upon anyone’s copyrights. If, however, it happens unintentionally, I offer my sincere regrets.
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