Multiple Generations at Work – Strategies – Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #1008

Credit: Christina Morillo

Credit: Lombe K

Credit: Mikhail Nilov

Credit: Timur Weber

Credit: Vitaly Gariev

Credit: Yan Krukau

Multiple Generations at Work – Strategies – Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #1008

Dear Colleagues! This is Asrar Qureshi’s Blog Post #1008 for Pharma Veterans. Pharma Veterans Blogs are published by Asrar Qureshi on its dedicated site Please email to for publishing your contributions here.

We have seen how the generations have been classified and what challenges come up in the workplaces. In this last part, we shall look at strategies to mitigate risks and take advantage of the presence of multiple generations.

Deploy Tailored Management Strategies

The foremost strategy is to tailor management strategies, not once but on a continuing basis.    

For example, different generations have varying preferences for feedback. The strategy should be to design feedback strategies that include both real-time, informal feedback, and more formal, periodic feedback.

Another example is that knowing what motivates each generation allows for the development of tailored incentives and rewards. For example, Baby Boomers might value job security and recognition, while Millennials might prioritize opportunities for learning and personal growth.

Encourage Open Communication

Open communication is a good way to accommodate various generations’ needs. Recognizing that each generation has different communication styles helps employers and managers tailor their communication strategies. For example, Baby Boomers may prefer in person meetings, while Millennials and Gen Z might favor digital communication.

More inclusive communication can be promoted through imparting multigenerational communication training to highlight differences in style and expectations. Encourage both parties to adapt, whether that means embracing digital tools for Gen X/Y or understanding the need for occasional structured communication for Gen Z. Using collaborative platforms that meet the needs of all generations, like Slack or Microsoft Teams, allowing for both informal messaging and formal communication.

Different generations bring diverse perspectives to table. Understanding generational differences helps build a more inclusive workplace where diverse perspectives are valued. This will lead to more innovative problem solving and decision making.

Promote Flexible Work Models

Design work environments with flexibility in mind, including remote work options (if applicable), flexible schedules, and wellness programs. Understanding generational expectations around work life balance helps make policies that accommodate everyone’s needs. Younger employees may prioritize work-life balance more than older generations, leading to tension when work demands conflict with personal time. This will appeal to Gen Z’s desire for work life balance while ensuring that productivity standards are maintained for Gen X/Y.

Offering career development opportunities that align with the values of different generations can help in retaining talent. For example, Baby Boomers might value stability and long-term career progression, while Millennials might look for opportunities to develop new skills and advance quickly.

Invest in Continuous Learning

Establish training programs to bridge the technology gap. Encourage mutual learning by having Gen Z help senior staff with new technologies, while Gen X/Y can offer mentorship in areas like leadership and decision making. However, in most workplaces, seniors probably shall not want to be trained by juniors on anything because they think it will reduce their power on them. It is a misconception created out of hierarchical organizational structures. It should be managed with open, flexible training opportunities.

Align Feedback and Recognition Systems

Create a culture of continuous development where feedback is encouraged, but formal reviews are retained for performance assessments, satisfying both groups. Introduce a mix of instant feedback mechanisms for Gen Z, such as weekly check-ins or project specific reviews, while keeping more traditional performance reviews for Gen X/Y. This ensures that everyone feels appreciated in their preferred style. Establish recognition programs that allow employees to be rewarded both for short term achievements (Gen Z) and long-term commitments (Gen X/Y).

Create Clear career pathways and recognition programs. Establish transparent career development plans that outline the steps for progression. Offer recognition in ways that resonate with each generation, such as traditional awards for long service and more frequent, informal recognition for short-term achievements.

Support Purpose Driven Work

Make clear how the company’s mission and values align with social issues, diversity, and sustainability. This will appeal to Gen Z’s desire to find purpose in their work, while also giving Gen X/Y confidence that the company is forward thinking. Encourage multigenerational mentorship, pairing younger employees with more experienced staff to help Gen Z understand career growth while giving Gen X/Y insight into modern expectations.

Promote mutual understanding and respect. Facilitate discussions that help each generation appreciate the others' work ethic and contributions. Encourage a culture of respect where different approaches to work are valued. Implement policies that focus on outcomes and productivity rather than rigid work hours.

Build a Collaborative and Inclusive Culture

Promote a diverse and inclusive workplace, which is valued across generations but may manifest differently. Create open forums where employees from all generations can share their expectations, social concerns, and views on workplace culture. Involve Gen Z in decision making processes, allowing them to feel heard on issues such as diversity or technology implementation while encouraging respect for the experience that Gen X/Y brings to the workplace.

By recognizing and addressing the differences in values, communication styles, and expectations, companies can create an environment where all generations collaborate effectively, fostering innovation and productivity.

Sum Up

Like it or hate it, but multiple generations shall continue working at the same workplace. Present problem is that our workplaces carry a rigid framework which everyone must adopt. It is like putting everyone through a mold to make them of the same size and shape. This is obviously impossible. Those who do not conform, are rejected and mostly thrown out.

The bigger problem I have been seeing in the workplaces is that due to economic compulsions, younger people accept to conform to the tradition. The mantra ‘this is how the business is done around here’ is applied full force. Young people lose their originality and creativity soon, and become the same old hags as their seniors, adopting all their negative traits more than the positive ones. It is a norm in government departments, and it has creeped into most private workplaces also.

We claim to have a huge population of youth in Pakistan, which is true. If we wish to take advantage of this large group with huge potential, the seniors will have to embrace new, flexible ways.


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For most blogs, I research from several sources which are open to public. Their links are mentioned under references. There is no intent to infringe upon anyone’s copyrights. If, however, it happens unintentionally, I offer my sincere regrets. 


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