Autism, ADHD and Depression – Blog Post by Asrar Qureshi
Dear Colleagues! Today is Pharma Veterans Blog Post #154. Pharma Veterans shares the wealth of knowledge and wisdom of Veterans for the benefit of entire Pharma Community. It aims to recognize and celebrate the Pharma Industry Professionals. Pharma Veterans Blog is published by Asrar Qureshi on WordPress , the top blog site. If you wish to share your stories, ideas and thoughts, please email to for publishing your contributions here . A Linkedin contact of mine, Van Duy Dao, a pharmacist based in Ha Noi Vietnam, has sent me a message and introduced me to his article about Autism, ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and Depression. He is trying to connect these conditions with some common cause(s). I am giving below his abstract. The hidden relation, clues of autism, ADHD and depression which reveals the cause and possible cure Van Duy Dao Abstract Observing the autistic kids: Autistic kids lack most social skills,...